Here are three tips to improving in your journey in CrossFit

July 28, 2022
Here are three tips to improving in your journey in CrossFit

CrossFit, you can get lost in the world of buying all the gears, have no idea, and then after 3 months, you lose your motivation and then boom, you have gone back to square one!

So what does one need to know or have when they start on their journey into CrossFit?

Many will say; "Find a good coach", "Locate a great community", and "Start small and work your way up". Whilst these are all important and i would agree wholeheartedly. I want to be a bit more direct and help get your kickstarted a bit better than that.

So here are my three top tips you must have before getting stuck in:

1: Get the GoWOD app (In your app/googleplay stores). This will help you to improve your range of movement and also enhance your knowledge around using recovery tools that much quicker

2: Get a good set of knee sleeves. They usually come in 5mm and 5mm thicknesses. My suggestion is if you have crappy creaky knees (cough cough +35 year olds) then 7mm are best. In terms of size, drop down one from your shirt size. For example, if you are a large Tee, then a set of medium knee sleeves will work best. I change mine out every year as I use them 3-5 times a week and they do lose their stretch. I use these ones

3: A good Double Under rope helps and goes a long way. I use the RPM Series four which is amazing but pricey. A good entry-level rope is the Raptor rope

The Raptor is a reasonable rope that has a high turnover rope that is quick and easy to use as well as adjust the rope length as you learn.

So nothing crazy or outrageous, Just simple tips to help improve your experience in CrossFit.


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