How to use our classes to achieve your goals

Check out how to use our classes to get the best out of it.
July 28, 2022
How to use our classes to achieve your goals

Crossfit Classes, F45 classes, BFT classes. Boot camps, Spin, Combat...........

We now have access to so many classes that we are now spoilt for choice. But with so much access to gym variations, we can sometimes get lost in it all and it can be super overwhelming.

So for those that have access to our classes, here is a sure-fire way to get the best out of our classes.

Want to get fit for life and be able to run after the kids, hike a mountain or just be fit for everyday life....


For those looking to be strong, get ready for a specific goal and compete at any level of competition....


For those that are time-starved and want a good variation to their training...


So what does it all mean?

The first option provided is the one you prioritise specific to your goal.

The second option helps with Option 1. It aids in the success of your goal.

Option 3 is the added variation to help you keep training interesting and varied as much as possible.

Doing the same thing week in and week out can help get you into a "groundhog day" scenario. So having three types of classes to come to will just elevate your training to a whole new level.

If you feel like you are stalling or really have no direction in your training, we strongly encourage you to have a chat with any one of the coaches to help get some clarity. Remember, your goals are YOUR GOALS and you should never compare to anyone else and their goals.

Their goals may "motivate you" and give you ideas, but they should never be the driver to create your goals.

Get after it and remember, only 5 months till the end of the year. Don't wait till it is too late.

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